Friday, May 15, 2020

Productive things you can do with a hangover - Debut

Productive things you can do with a hangover - Debut Ow. Thats probably as far as your thoughts usually go after a heavy night out.  We wouldnt blame you if you wanted to hide in a darkened room to sleep your hangover off, but lifes way too short for that. Weve got 13 productive things you can do with a hangover to challenge yourself with right here. So stock up on Lucozade, pop some Ibuprofen, and get stuck into these. 1. Get your protein intake for the day You know, for dem gainz. In all seriousness, get yourself a bacon butty stat, because even if the whole grease lining your stomach thing may be a myth, bacon sandwiches are definitely good for the hungover soul. 2. Take a technology break and practice mindfulness We love apps like Headspace, for example. They get you in the zone for calming, soothing activities like meditation in no time. 3. Sort out your wardrobe Or do a similarly repetitive, monotonous task. You dont want to be doing anything too strenuous for your poor alcohol-affected brain, so something a little bit dreary would be the perfect productive thing to do. 4. Take stock of your kitchen and make a note of missing essentials You probably havent looked into the back of your kitchen cupboard in a while, or if youve just moved into halls, you probably dont even have the essentials (sugar, salt, pepper, etc.) Make a shopping list and stock up on the important stuff. 5. Prep your meals like a boss If youve got a whole day of being inside, you might as well make a mammoth chili to freeze and defrost during the week. Trust us, future you will definitely be thanking past you when you come back to the house starving after lectures. 6. Fuel your hangover rage into a creative task We dont know about you, but hangovers make us  so. damn. mad. Channel your frustration into writing a poem, or painting messily on a canvas. Itll be cathartic, promise. 7. Call your parents, because (perhaps rightly) theyre probably worried about you Therell probably be no point in hiding your hangover, so dont expect any sympathy. But theres nothing nicer than catching up with family when youre feeling a little bit fragile. 8. Do some light, and we mean light exercise Straining yourself too much when youre not at 100% is probably not the best idea. But a quick jog or some yoga would be the perfect way to detox all of the nasty stuff out. 9. Write down your weekly to-do list There is no better feeling than the feeling of accomplishment, especially with that ol hangover buzzing in your ear. Sort your life out, write it all down, and youll feel like youve got it all together. 10. Try a new hangover cure I mean, why not? If it isnt going away, try one you may never have tried before. We recommend Bloody Marys if youre feeling especially grown up. 11. Attempt to get to inbox zero Emails pile up, making that red badge next to your inbox look more alarming by the day. Nows the perfect time to delete spam, unsubscribe from newsletters you dont read, and finally reply to that one email youve been ignoring. 12. If you cant stand the thought of reading, download some informative podcasts Podcasts are totally the new books. Our favourite picks are Reply All, Radiolab and Invisibilia for some serious learnin. 13. Spend quality time with an equally hungover mate doing something outdoors Sunshine = Vitamin D, which is excellent for hangovers. Also, if youre going through the worst hangover of your life, its much better doing it with someone in an equally dire state. Were all in this together, after all. Feature Image ©  Universal Studios Download the Debut app and you could totally grab yourself a summer internship  way before anyone else. Follow Brenda on Twitter @brendaisarebel Connect with Debut on Facebook and Twitter

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